Monday, April 27, 2009

It's the last week of teaching...& this is my first blog entry...

 I am ready to have my  evenings back after the semester ends - although teaching photography at Columbia College has been the absolute best and most gratifying experience so far! 

 I'm also thinking that it wasn't too long ago that I said to someone..."What the hell is a blog?" or "Am I supposed to know what I blog is?" ( maybe even looking a little irritated).  The next month will be spent photographing graduations and graduates, going to photo shows and getting ready for the wedding season as well as planting flowers and seeds  like a total addict.

On May 9th I will be going to see and hear Sebastio Salgado talk about his life and share his photographic work . Two of my students this past year chose to do their presentations on this master. I am very excited about seeing him at The Palace of fine Arts in San Francisco..and of course will make a weekend of it. 

My Wedding Season is looking interesting this year...from the Bay area to Napa to Mendocino and local wineries and ranches in the area. I am very fortunate to be able to continue to do this work as well as teach. Every day I hear or say myself finishing a sentence with.."In this economy." I am preparing to offer a Recession Proof wedding package for people who are getting married on Fridays or Sundays...or even eloping. Now THAT would be fun!

Well...this is my first blog. I wanted to get something online before I headed to bed. Moxie and Mocha are waiting! I could be here all night but there will be more to musings on Photography and philosophy and advice for brides and practical stuff that helps people to stay mindful about what their wedding should be all about...Love...and maybe a little venting and humor and stories and sharing and growing and of course more about love. 

 I mean in this economy - We need it more than ever!

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